A podcast based on the “Come, Follow Me” Curriculum but geared towards teenagers.

“The greatest yardstick of success is to see how much your daily walk can be like Christ’s—how closely you can walk each moment in His steps.”

Ezra T. Benson


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Ep. 111 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - D&C 10-11
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 111 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - D&C 10-11

(February 3rd - February 9th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Doctrine and Covenants Sections 10-11. Principles and insights about how Satan works. His methods, his plans, the lies, and deceits he uses but most importantly how to conquer him through the power of prayer! Also principles and insights that can help us to better understand and find our purpose and part in the Lord’s work and in the restoration. And finally how we can learn to put our trust in that spirit which leadeth to do good!

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Ep. 110 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - D&C 6-9
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 110 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - D&C 6-9

(February 3rd - February 9th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Doctrine and Covenants Sections 6-9. Principles and insights about to overcome fear and doubt when facing uncertainty. And Principles and insights that related to feeling, hearing and recognizing the voice of the spirit and how to utilize this amazing gift to make decisions correctly in life. Whether it’s where to go to school, what to do for work or even who to date and marry, we can learn to make more decisions correctly when we learn to walk correctly by the spirit!

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Ep. 109 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - D&C 3-5
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 109 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - D&C 3-5

(January 27th - February 2nd) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Doctrine and Covenants Sections 3-5. Principles and insights about how good God is at the work he is doing and why we should have all the confidence in the world in Him and his ability to help us, shape us and save us. His work is truly Marvelous! Also Principles and insights to help us especially trust him during those times we feel trapped, stuck, and like there’s no way things can work out. Times when we may feel pressured to choose between what is right and what is easy. And finally an insight into the most important quality to have in order to be called to participate in his “Marvelous” work, whether that be serving on a mission, in a calling, or any other opportunity to grow that we have…especially when we might not feel good enough or able to complete what God asks of us to do!

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Ep. 108 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - JSH 1:27-65 & D&C 2
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 108 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - JSH 1:27-65 & D&C 2

(January 20th - January 27th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Joseph Smith History 1:27-65. “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to the Fathers” Principles and insights from Joseph’s youth and Moroni’s visit. Principles about what Joseph refers to as the “weakness of youth” how to recognize those that are true friends in your life. And finally a few thoughts about not just the work that God had for Joseph to do, but the work God has for you to do!

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Ep. 107 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - JSH 1:1-26
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 107 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - JSH 1:1-26

(January 13th - January 19th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Joseph Smith History 1:1-26. Principles and insights about the pattern for revelation that is taught in the account of the First Vision. A patter that we can follow and apply whenever we lack wisdom or are in need of heavenly help. Also the important and life changing truths about God and his Gospel that were discovered as a result of the first vision. Truths that have now impacted millions all over the word and continue to impact the world today. And finally we’ll look principles and truths related to the reality of Satan and the powers of darkness that will always work against us whenever we try to approach God!

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Ep. 106 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Doctrine and Covenants Section 1
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 106 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Doctrine and Covenants Section 1

(January 6th - January 12th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from section 1, the Lord’s Preface to the Doctrine and Covenants. In this section we will look at principles related to hearing the Lord’s voice and hearing the voice of warning, which is unto all people. We’ll look at some principles and truths regarding how the Lord knew of the challenges and calamities we would face in the last days and how calling a prophet and the restoration was meant to help us face them. Vital truths about the role of prophets and apostles and hearing the Lord’s voice through them. After all as he states, they are one and the same!

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Ep. 105 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - The Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 105 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - The Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

(December 30th - January 5th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Principles and thorughts about the Great Apostasy. What led to it and why a restoration was needed. Principles and insights about how the Lord’s Church and Gospel were restored and how it was foretold in scripture. And most importantly the patterns that can be seen in both the Apostasy and the Restoration and how they can be applied to our individual lives. Those patterns when followed will either bring a growing darkness into our life or a restored light!

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Ep. 104 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Christmas
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 104 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Christmas

(December 23rd - December 29th) Listen to this upcoming “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles about Christmas. A Christmas message that you can share with your family as we prepare for the most wonderful time of the year. It’s no coincidence that there is more joy, more peace, more kindness, more forgiveness, more giving and more love offered and experienced this time of the year than at any other…because as even the name of the holiday teaches…Christ-mas literally means “more Christ!” Merry Christmas everyone! May your holiday season be filled with “more Christ!”

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Ep. 103 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Moroni Ch. 10
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 103 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Moroni Ch. 10

(December 16th - December 22nd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Moroni Ch. 10. Principles and insights to help us gain our own personal testimony of the Book of Mormon and of Christ through it. Also important truths to understand about how that witness will come and how the power of the Holy Ghost can often be experienced through the gifts of the spirit. And Finally principles and truths about what it means to be perfected in Christ, and how to better come unto him to experience this. We’ll also reflect on our experience this year in coming unto Christ through our study of the Book of Mormon!

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Ep. 102 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Moroni Ch. 7-9
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 102 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Moroni Ch. 7-9

(December 9th - December 15th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Moroni Ch. 7-9. Principles and insights to help us better become peaceable followers of Christ and how this is will best seen through our interactions with others. Principles about how to judge between those things which are good and those things which are evil in life and how to “lay hold upon every good thing.” And finally a few thoughts about how to experience Christ’s lifting power in our lives no matter how dark, bleak or heavy our current situation or circumstances might be!

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Ep. 101 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Moroni Ch. 1-6
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 101 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Moroni Ch. 1-6

(December 2nd - December 8th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Moroni Ch. 1-6. Principles and insights to help us better have the courage, strength and resolve to live a life dedicated to Christ, becoming a witness to the world that we are one of his disciples. Also principles and truths involving the power Christ offers us to fill us with his love, even for those that hurt us. And finally a few thoughts about the small and simple things of the gospel and church and how they are both designed to “keep us in the right way.”

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Ep. 100 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Ether Ch. 12-15
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 100 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Ether Ch. 12-15

(November 25th - December 1st) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Ether Ch. 12-15. Principles and insights to help us better understand the interworking’s of faith. What faith is, how it works, why it is so essential to God’s plan and examples of faith being exercised and in action. We’ll also look at principles dealing with human weakness and how it can be a gift from God to help us become stronger. In fact faith might be best expressed through and in weakness. And lastly we’ll look at once more the role of prophets and what rejecting the Lord’s servants will inevitably lead to in life for us as individuals as well as for our society. After all it really is by faith that all things are fulfilled!

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Ep. 99 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Ether Ch. 6-11
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 99 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Ether Ch. 6-11

(November 18th - November 24th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Ether Ch. 6-11. Principles and insights to help us better understand some of the reasons for the adversity we face in life and how to practice gratitude and learn to see the good even while going through it. Principles about how to change the focus of our lives from the circumstances of our lives. And finally how remembering our blessings and experiences with and from the Lord can help each of us walk more uprightly before the lord, even when living in a fallen world.

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Ep. 98 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Ether Ch. 1-5
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 98 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Ether Ch. 1-5

(November 11th - November 17th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Ether Ch. 1-5. Principles and insights to help us better understand how the Lord prepares us for the difficulties we face and how to better see him when he is there! Principle to help us better understand how to solve the problems we encounter in life. How to understand what is our part and what is the Lord’s part in their solutions. And lastly what we can use as a filter to make sure the right things and people are in our lives and how by following Christ he will lead us to “all” that is good!

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Ep. 97 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Mormon Ch. 7-9
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 97 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Mormon Ch. 7-9

(November 4th - November 10th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Mormon Ch. 7-9. Principles and insights to help us better understand how we can face the trials of mortality, especially when life seems unfair. How even in the most difficult of times we can still believe that God is a God of miracles and how we can begin to see those miracles more in our lives. And finally how much of a miracle the Book of Mormon really is and how it can help us through our challenges by anchoring us to Christ, to Prophets and to His Church! We have been shown by God to Moroni and he knows our doing and these are the answers he gives us to face the world we live in today!

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Ep. 96 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Mormon Ch. 1-6
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 96 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Mormon Ch. 1-6

(October 28th - November 3rd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Mormon Ch. 1-6. Principles and insights to help us better understand how we can, like Mormon, survive spiritually in world where a “continual scene of wickedness” is before our eyes. Principles about how to become more “quick to observe” the most important parts of the gospel and of life. And finally we’ll take a look at what it was that completely destroyed the Nephite Civilization, which led Mormon to exclaim, “Oh ye fair ones! How is it that ye are fallen!”

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Ep. 95 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 26-4th Nephi
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 95 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 26-4th Nephi

(October 21st - October 27th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from 3rd Nephi Ch. 27 - 4th Nephi. Principles and insights to help us better understand what it means to take upon us the name of Christ and how this can help us find direction, purpose, self worth, and strength in navigating life’s challenges. Principles centered around those things that will be of “most worth” to us in mortality and how to cultivate a desire for those things in our hearts. And finally principles and truths about the differences that exist and will be experienced in the lives of those who allow the Savior in and those who keep him out. We don’t have to wait to experience Satan being bound in the Millennium and the joy that will follow having Christ to rule and reign…we can begin to experience the millennium today!

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Ep. 94 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 20-26
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 94 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 20-26

(October 14th - October 20th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from 3rd Nephi Ch. 20-26. Principles and insights to help us better stand out from the world, to make a difference in the world by being different and to understand what it really means to be “The Children of the Covenant.” Principles and truths to help us have greater faith in God’s plan, to find purpose in our trials and have faith that “mortality works.” And finally we’ll look as some of the key principles centered around the Law of Tithing and what it means to be blessed with “roots” and “branches” because of following it!

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Ep. 93 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 17-19
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 93 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 17-19

(October 7th - October 13th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from 3rd Nephi Ch. 17-19. Principles and insights to help us better understand the Savior’s love for each and everyone of us, as well as his power to heal us regardless of what we might be going through. Principles and truths centered around little powerful example to us of little children. As well as principles and truths about the power of prayer and the relationship between prayer and receiving the spirit. We’ll also explore a connection between the spirit and motivation! By learning these truths they can help each of us to “be filled with desire” to be better and no how to experience a fullness of joy like the Savior!

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Ep. 92 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 12-16
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 92 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 12-16

(September 30th - October 6th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from 3rd Nephi Ch. 12-16. Principles and insights to help us better understand how to live a Christlike like life while letting go of the need to be perfect. Principles to help you to let go of the world and experience an inward change that will take you to a better place and a better life. Principles to help you learn to judge others better, to be more patient and forgiving of both others and yourself. Principles and truths to help fill your heart and mind with hope and to recognize that through Christ, every mistake, every sin and every weakness can be forgiven and overcome. He provides the Law and the Light that can do all of it because he is the Law and the Light!

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