A podcast based on the “Come, Follow Me” Curriculum but geared towards teenagers.

“The greatest yardstick of success is to see how much your daily walk can be like Christ’s—how closely you can walk each moment in His steps.”

Ezra T. Benson


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Ep. 91 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 8-11
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 91 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 8-11

(September 23rd - September 29th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from 3rd Nephi Ch. 8-11. Principles and insights to help us better understand how to have faith and find peace in turbulent times. Principles to help us understand just how much God is still in control when it feels like we are experiencing chaos. Principles and truths to help us understand how to best invite his power, protection and his peace into our lives. We’ll look at the significance of Heavenly Father’s invitation to “Hear” Christ as well as learning about the very personal way in which we are invited to come unto Him and gain a witness of who he is for ourselves. We’ll also take a look at the seriousness of contention and how to best follow the Savior’s example in being a peacemaker!

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Ep. 90 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 1-7
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 90 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 1-7

(September 16th - September 22nd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from 3rd Nephi Ch. 1-7. Principles and insights to help us better understand the Savior’s mission and have faith in Him as our personal Savior and in His ability to save! While also understanding what it means to exercise faith in him and why our faith at times will be pushed to it’s breaking point. We’ll also take a look at the final story before the coming of Christ to the Nephites and what this story is meant to teach us leading up to the 2nd coming of Christ in our day! We will especially see how it relates to the gathering of Israel today!

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Ep. 89 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Helaman Ch. 13-16
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 89 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Helaman Ch. 13-16

(September 9th - September 15th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Helaman Ch. 13-16. Principles and insights to help us better see through the empty promises from the world and from sin and to better see the “evil behind the smiling eyes”. Principles and insights related to the Signs given of the Savior’s birth and death and how they can apply to our own lives. As well as principles and insights about how to keep the light of Christ always with us and how to chase darkness away. We will also look at how we all will have opportunities to be a Samuel the Lamanite and deliver difficult messages to those we know and love and how we will also have opportunities to receive difficult messages as well. In these chapters we’ll learn how to effectively do both!

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Ep. 88 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Helaman Ch. 7-12
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 88 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Helaman Ch. 7-12

(September 2nd - September 8th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Helaman Ch. 7-12. Principles and insights to help us better understand why remembering God is so important! While also recognizing how easy it is, if we are not careful to forget Him! Ironically being blessed by Him also seems to be one of the surest ways to forget about Him. We’ll also look at principles and truths to help us navigate the uncertainties of our day and recognize why we never need to fear the unknown and the deceptive practices of secret combinations! It is getting harder and harder to know what is truth and what isn’t…and with the rise in Ai it will only get worse. However in this lesson we are clearly taught the answer for all of it!

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Ep. 87 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Helaman Ch. 1-6
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 87 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Helaman Ch. 1-6

(August 26th - September 1st) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Helaman Ch. 1-6. Principles and insights mean to help us with many of the unique challenges of our day. In the Book of Helaman which comprises the final time period just prior to the Saviors coming to the Nephites we will find many parallels to our day and time as we prepare for and approach Christ’s second coming. We’ll see principles about how to overcome contention and pride. Principles about the value of name and how to ensure that our name means something and helps lead others to God instead of away from him. Principles and truths about the Role of Prophets and how they help us to look up to God. And finally how to ensure that we build our lives on the only sure foundation their is, the foundation of the Rock of Our Redeemer, who is Christ!

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Ep. 86 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 53-63
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 86 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 53-63

(August 19th - August 25th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 53-63 The second half of the war chapters of the Book of Mormon! Principles and insights to help us fight the spiritual battles we face. We’ll look at the similarities between the youth of the church and the 2000 stripling warriors. We’ll identify characteristics, attributes, principles and truths from them and their battles to help our youth today better see how to become like them. Most importantly you will be better able to help them see that this story is their story and that they have the power to stand just as strong, just as firm and just as powerfully against the forces of evil as the 2000 stripling warriors did against the forces of the Lamanites!

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Ep. 85 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 43-52
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 85 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 43-52

(August 11th - August 18th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 43-52 the war chapters of the Book of Mormon! Principles and insights to help us fight the spiritual battles we face. We’ll look at the similarities between the war between the Nephites and Lamanites and the war we are fighting today. We’ll look at some of Satan’s greatest tactics that he uses every day against us and how to combat them. We’ll also look at some of the greatest warriors to ever walk the earth and find inspiration in their examples to fight like them by being like them. Most importantly we’ll look at how each of their lives can point us to their source of strength and victories which is Christ!

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Ep. 84 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 39-42
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 84 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 39-42

(August 5th - August 11th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 39-42. Principles and insights taught from Alma to his son Corianton. Principles and insights meant to address the sexual sin his son had been caught up in. Principles and truths to help better understand the seriousness of sexual sin, understand why it is so serious in God’s eyes and how it affects His plan for his children. We’ll also cover the principles and truths taught by Alma to help him and all of us better understand how to overcome these kinds of temptations and that can give us hope that through Christ we can all become clean again!

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Ep. 83 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 36-38
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 83 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 36-38

(July 29th - August 4th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 36-38. Principles and insights from Alma given directly to his son’s in the form of fatherly advice containing those truths he wants his sons to know most! Principles about how to find success and prosperity in life. Truths about how to overcome the pains and guilt from sin. As well as principles and truths about how the small and simple things of the gospel lead to great things and finally how to best look to God and live!

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Ep. 82 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 32-35
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 82 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 32-35

(July 22nd - July 28th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 32-35. Principles and insights about the value of the word “believe” and how a true testimony of the gospel does not begin with the words “I know." Principles about how to plant the seed of faith and nurture it so it will become a tree of faith and one day nurture you! Principles and truths about the two most important things you can do to grow your faith. Two things that are as important to your faith growing as sunlight and water are to a growing tree!

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Ep. 81 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 30-31
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 81 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 30-31

(July 15th - July 21st) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 30-31. Principles and insights about the lies and deceptions that Satan tries to use against us today and how to recognize them for what they are. Principles about how to find evidence in the world around us to support our faith and belief in God and how to better recognize how close he is to each of us. Principles and truths about the power of words and especially God’s word to promote change in our hearts and minds. And how we all can learn to have our afflictions and sufferings swallowed up in the “Joy of Christ!”

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Ep. 80 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 23-29
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 80 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 23-29

(July 7th - July 14th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 23-29. Principles and insights about how to become so converted to Christ, His Gospel and His Church that we too “Never will Fall Away.” Principles and insights about what this kind of conversion looks like. How to lay down and “bury deep” those things that are keeping us from Christ and true conversion. Also principles about how we can better face the storms of life with strength, confidence, hope and faith that we can get through them knowing that everything will be ok…And how we can come to believe, that like Ammon, we too can do “ALL things in His strength!”

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Ep. 79 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 17-22
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 79 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 17-22

(July 1st - July 7th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 17-22. Principles and insights about how to become an instrument in God’s hands! These are the missionary chapters of the Book of Mormon! In these chapters we’ll learn principles and insights about how to best share the Gospel with others. We’ll look at what it takes to teach with power and authority. We’ll look at how important it is to teach by example and how to find comfort when we face the fear and anxiety that is a part of missionary service. We’ll look at what it means to “win the hearts” of those we teach and the sacrifices that are required as a part of accepting and living the Gospel!

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Ep. 78 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 13-16
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 78 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 13-16

(June 24th - June 30th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 13-16 about who you are and who you were in the pre-existence. Principles to help you make sense of why God allows for pain and suffering in mortality. Why he allows for bad things to happen to good people. And why some are healed and delivered from their trials while others are not. Sometimes as important as it is to have the faith to be healed, it may in the end, be even more important to have the faith “not” to be healed!

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Ep. 77 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 8-12
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 77 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Alma Ch. 8-12

(June 17th - June 23rd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 8-12 about the power of gratitude and how to cultivate it in even when facing disappointment and discouragement. Principles about the blessings that “receiving” the Lord’s anointed can bring in our lives and to our families. Principles about the Savior’s power and ability to save “every man” through repentance regardless of what has been said, done or thought. And finally principles about the significance of the “Why” behind God’s commandments and the importance of tying the things of life and of God back to the plan of redemption, the plan salvation, and the great plan of happiness!’

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Ep. 76 CFM for Teens - Alma Ch. 5-7
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 76 CFM for Teens - Alma Ch. 5-7

(June 10th - June 16th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” episode for insights and principles from Alma Ch. 5 - 7. Principles about how to conduct a personal interview with yourself to see how your heart is doing in experiencing the “Might Change” required of those that are born of God. Principles and truths about how to start this process of change in your own heart. And finally one of the most important truths to understand about the Atonement of Christ and why he understands us perfectly and all that we go through!

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Ep. 75 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch.29 - Alma Ch.4
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 75 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch.29 - Alma Ch.4

(June 3rd - June 9th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” Study and Teaching guide for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 29 - Alma Ch.4 Principles about the balance that exists between freedom and responsibility and how important it is to find the balance between enjoying our rights and privileges while also learning to do our part. We’ll look at principles about how the Lord marks his people and how the those who are of the world mark themselves. Principles about the reasons for these marks and how important it is for the Lord’s people to embrace standing out and being different, no matter the pressures or the size of the crowd against them!

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Ep. 74 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 25-28
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 74 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 25-28

(May 27th - June 2nd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 25-28 about how wonderful of a blessing repentance is and how patient and forgiving the Lord is with us. Principles about how good the Lord is in doing his work with us and in helping us to change. How being born of God is a change and rebirth that each one of us of us needs to go through and experience. And in this episode we’ll take a deeper look at key principles and insights about how to help facilitate this change in each of our lives.

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Ep. 73 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 18-24
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 73 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 18-24

(May 20th - May 26th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 18-24 about how to see clearly and tell the difference between those that are able to help you, lift you and bless your life, from those that will bring you down, hurt you and lead you away from God. Principles about how to handle life’s challenges. Especially those times when “no one can deliver us” from whatever we are going through and how to submit cheerfully and with patience to God’s will, trusting that in His time and way He will deliver us. Also having faith in his ability to bless us with stronger backs to bear our burdens. And finally, we’ll cover three great keys that we can use to always make sure we have the best role models, teachers and leaders in our lives!

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Ep. 72 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 11-17
Josh Downs Josh Downs

Ep. 72 CFM for Teens - Mosiah Ch. 11-17

(May 13th - May 19th) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for Teens episode for insights and principles from Mosiah Ch. 11-17 about how and why happiness from sin is always temporary and how one of the roles of a prophet is to call us to repentance and help us to see how we can improve. Insights about how to make sure that as we go through the motions of the gospel that those motions also go through us and get “written in our hearts.” And finally insights and principles about how to courageously stand for what we believe, even if we have to stand alone!

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