We all have a story that has made us who we are…
Although we all bring with us stories that are different, they are also in many ways the same…My goal is to help empower each and everyone I work with so to embrace and love their own story. Even those parts that are hard! Here’s a little bit of who I am and my own story…
I’m first and foremost a father of two of the most amazing daughters a dad could ever ask for. I’m also member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a motivational speaker, a life coach and a person simply trying to figure out how to make the most of life and be happy.
However I’m sure like me, you’ve learned through experience that life doesn’t just hand you happiness on a silver platter…I’ve struggled with health challenges, relationship issues, confidence, finances and just feeling like I am enough. I’ve also experienced the deep soul crushing pains of divorce, a broken heart, and a very personal crisis of faith. However over the years, I’ve come to learn that life isn’t about always getting what we want, but about loving what we have, and learning to accept and enjoy the journey. I’ve learned that life has been designed to slowly strip away and sometimes chip away at everything we are not, until we are left only with what we are…it’s then that life get’s really exciting and interesting, because it’s in authenticity that we learn who we really are and can finally become all we are capable of becoming. It has now become my mission to help individuals of all ages, embrace who they are, who they are meant to be, to turn their own mess into their own message and come to love each and every step along the way…until like me they com to love their own story!
To me this is happiness…