Ep. 96 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Mormon Ch. 1-6

“I Would That I Could Persuade All to Repent”

(October 28th - November 3rd) Listen to this “Come Follow Me” for teens episode for insights and principles from Mormon Ch. 1-6. Principles and insights to help us better understand how we can, like Mormon, survive spiritually in world where a “continual scene of wickedness” is before our eyes. Principles about how to become more “quick to observe” the most important parts of the gospel and of life. And finally we’ll take a look at what it was that completely destroyed the Nephite Civilization, which led Mormon to exclaim, “Oh ye fair ones! How is it that ye are fallen!”

"Come Follow Me" for Teens Mormon Ch. 1-6 Study and Teaching Guide

Purchase and download this “Come Follow Me” for Teens Study and Teaching Guide for insights and principles from Mormon Ch. 1-6. Principles and insights to help us better understand how we can, like Mormon, survive spiritually in world where a “continual scene of wickedness” is before our eyes. Principles about how to become more “quick to observe” the most important parts of the gospel and of life. And finally we’ll take a look at what it was that completely destroyed the Nephite Civilization, which led Mormon to exclaim, “Oh ye fair ones! How is it that ye are fallen!”

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Ep. 97 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - Mormon Ch. 7-9


Ep. 95 “Come Follow Me” for Teens - 3rd Nephi Ch. 26-4th Nephi